Here is a free pattern for a tapestry crochet wallet.
This is a truly delightful form of crochet.
Ready for something new? Here's the link:
I'll post a picture here when I am done with my project!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
"You should KNOW where your lights are!" the police officer said to me this morning.
Monday, January 16, 2012 at 8:32am
I was stopped by a police officer this morning, before daylight, on my way to the bank.
"I pulled you over because your lights are not on," he declared. "Is this your car? If it's your car you should know where your lights are!" (I was fidgeting with the light knob, trying to see if they would come on.)
"Oh, thank you, OFFICER," I replied. "It is my car; however, I just jumped out of bed to go to the bank first think this morning. You see, I checked my account this was I am going to put some money in."
"You should be awake before you drive!" he interjected.
I don't know why I told him about my needing to make a deposit. It was kinda personal.
Later, he said, "Well, I should give you a couple of tickets; however, you just need to get more organized! Drive safe."
With that quip he was gone! NO TICKET! (A couple of tickets is what I DESERVED), YES:
1. Not having my headlights on.
2. I WAS unorganized and couldn't locate my insurance verification.
Oh, brother!
HOW did I avoid 2 tickets???
FERVENT PRAYER FOR MERCY AND GRACE, under my breath, as the officer walked back to his vehicle to check my ID in his database!
You already know the good news...
My prayers were answered, no ticket, and a good warning that my lights weren't on kept me from being hit by another car, and a warning that I need to WAKE UP before I drive!
Well, I was awake, but somehow missed turning the light button on ALL THE WAY! My MIND was on OTHER THINGS!
I thanked my Father...
...for using the officer to protect me from being hit by another car...driving with NO lights in the dark is just asking for it!
"LORD, bless your servant and keep him safe in his work today and every day!"
So, isn't this little story similar to us trying to move forward in our lives without turning on the Light of God in our lives. WITHOUT LIGHT WE TAKE HITS!
What IS the Light that guides our lives, leads us out of trouble, and brings about good things that belong to us?
Jesus is! He is the way, the Truth, the LIFE and the LIGHT! We find HIS LIGHT IN HIS WORD! We activate HIS Life through obedience to the Word, and by SPEAKING HIS WORD.
This experience with the officer reminded me this morning, that I need to keep myself in the LIGHT at ALL times, to avoid the works of darkness that are "out there" working to trip me up or HIT ME! (After all, we DO live in a fallen world. A world where sin and it's effects work...but can be OVERCOME by the working of the Word (LIGHT). You see, one of the first things our Father wanted to overcome in His life was darkness and loneliness. Been there?)
So, HE SPOKE, because HE IS LIGHT and He spoke because He could! :) When HE spoke things changed! They still do.
Now if you need further encouragement to come OUT Of your current situation, READ ON. If you're pretty much okay, you can stop here...and have a blessed DAY!
Okay, for those of you who stayed with me past the introduction you must need some encouragement, so keep reading!
What has hit YOU?
You are in some darkness, or a battle or crisis for your health, finances, and family, not to worry! Remember the spoken Word (LIGHT) will bring YOU OUT, also!
God SPOKE the world into BEING! His Words were LIGHT and LIFE! They still are...He never changes! He has passed this grace onto us!
He has not left us comfortless. He has given US power through HIS living Word (Jesus) to bring Light to our lives, and change our own circumstances through Truth.
But there is something for us to do!
YOU, yourself, can go the Word and get faith to live a joy-filled, abundant, healthy life. To bring you out of darkness. To break the power of the "HIT" you have taken.
"Deliverance" from your "hit" may not happen over night...sometimes it takes years...depending on what you've been "dealt" through your heritage or lifestyle. We don't all start at the same place; however we can end up at the same place...HEALED, WHOLE, AND walking in ABUNDANCE, as we overcome evil with GOOD...the good Will of God!
Doubters have come too late to tell me this kind of Light-seeking, darkness defeating life-style doesn't work. I have experienced too many miracles and the faithfulness of doing God's Word and Him supplying! (I have also experienced failures, as I failed to follow through on His Word!)
The Good News:
We can start where we ARE, each day! Every day is a NEW PAGE to write on.
Let's WRITE HIS WORD on our hearts and minds TODAY, and give our selves over to...
...PL E A S I N G
the FATHER...
What pleases HIM?
Have you struggled with the SAME trouble for a LONG TIME? Don't be weary in your well-doing!
Just suppose that you don't live long enough to see all your faith-driven desires, so what!
YOUR first duty (desire) is to PLEASE GOD!
we approach our faith life like that...just purposing to please God, WE WILL LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO SEE OUR DESIRES!!! The lack we are facing won't drive us to quit God and His ways!
You see, it is relationship with God FIRST...not a formula for getting things!!!
Part of our relationship with Him IS to RECEIVE Light and to SPEAK Light!
I have included links to some resources to help build faith for your today and your tomorrow, and help you receive and speak LIGHT!
God LOVES you, and has made a way of escape...into HIS power and abundance, to bless you and make you a blessing! To help you dissuade darkness.
Start where you are today. Sometimes as you begin to speak it seems things get worse; however, hang in there with Truth (God's Word), the enemy will resist, but he cannot win IF YOU DO NOT QUIT!
(*See note at bottom of page if your mistakes are so very obvious to you, and you KNOW where yo have missed God!)
So, let's do a check!
What are you speaking today? What's in your heart and mouth today? What's on your mind first and foremost today? Your words hold the power of LIFE and DEATH, which do you choose TODAY?
Need FURTHER encouragement? Keep reading, and find out what I saw in the mirror when I got home from my "encounter" with WPD.
Remember, the enemy doesn't mind you knowing these truths, he just doesn't want you DOING THEM!
The enemy of your soul WILL resist you! However, you resist him right BACK! He has already lost, you just have to enforce his loss, (he is the deceiver). You simply need to ENFORCE YOUR GAIN, through the power of the spoken Word (Jesus)! Yes, it is simple; however, it takes effort.
Of course it also takes effort fighting the hits you could have avoided!
The Word that's in your heart will come out of your mouth! So, what is in your mouth? That is a good place to start to LOCATE where you are in your doubt or FAITH! Good thing is, YOU and only YOU can change what's in your mouth!
We have a CHOICE!
The Holy Spirit within you, comes along side you and is your HELPER! He doesn't do your part, and you cannot do HIS part! The Holy Spirit is the manifesting One...He causes your cells, organs, systems, and entire body to line up with your Words of Truth! He causes your abundant supply to flow, as you hear and obey Truth! He supplies the comfort (HE is the COMFORTER) as you walk out of trouble and into PEACE!
"Start today,
worship the Lord along the way!
You will gain great grace,
to cross the finish line of YOUR race!"
REMEMBER: Never ever condemn yourself for losing a battle, or a loved one, or for all the years you may have been trying to believe for something...we have been gaining in knowledge of Truth!
TRY AGAIN! You are seeking or you wouldn't have hung with me this long! :)
Your faith has been growing! There is a Body of believers (Christ as the Head) who are WITH you!
Try AGAIN! You WILL win, if you don't quit! ♥
This applies to every area of your LIFE! Don't curse the battle; praise the Lord! He never changes.
Jesus went about doing good in His earthly body...healing the sick, casting out devils, opening blind eyes, restoring the bruised and wounded, making folks whole, supplying needs of every sort. Since HIS death and resurrection, (He died and rose again for YOU), and since His ascension to the right hand of the Father, we who receive Him (make Him Lord) are now HIS BODY on earth.
Read that again!
You cannot go by feelings; however, YOUR feelings will CHANGE as you CONTINUE in GOD's TRUTH......Truth indeed does change facts!
(See free mp3 "Truth Changes Facts" at this link):
New Creation Realities
Christ the Head, we the BODY...still working miracles, walking in FAITH, and seeing Truth reign in and through we let Him lead!
Back to the officer, and the grace I received this morning.
The policeperson was not aware of my "circumstances" right now, the struggles, the dreams I am fighting for. The hits I might have avoided. He could have just as easily written out an expensive ticket, and given me a strong lecture. But he didn't.
I walked to the mirror when I got home, to see what the office saw when he shined HIS light on me...straggled hair, no makeup, fatigue. My story of "jumping out of bed to get to the bank," was believable by my appearance. LOL!
I told the officer the truth, and my looks confirmed it! Too funny. As I brushed my hair, I thanked God that I received GRACE through speaking the truth!
God's grace was upon the officer and me, to meet my need, not to punish me to the fullest. That's what happens when grace is applied to your daily life; even when you make a mistake you are covered!
Grace follows a prayer-filled life, staying clean before the Lord. Seekers of Light receive grace!
Let me encourage you to put on GRACE today, in the midst of your struggles. Ask God to shine His light on your heart, mind, and struggles; so circumstances don't start piling up on you...or if they are piled up, PUT ON GRACE and find your way, with the LIGHT, into fulfillment of YOUR GOD-given dreams!
As for my getting "more organized" per the officer, he is absolutely right!
Oft times when we are in a battle we let the seemingly little things go. These things can grow into bigger things if we procrastinate. I delayed in putting my new insurance receipt in the glove box, or in my wallet.
I ALMOST got more circumstances piled up on me because of that one "little" thing...things I don't really have time for right now, but I surely don't have time for things like going to court to prove I have insurance.
God has been speaking to me about doing things right the first time; because, if I don't have time to do it right now, when will I have time? After a time, if we continue to not obey what we hear, we will find ourselves standing and fighting the judgments against us!
Or we can walk in the LIGHT and EXPERIENCE GRACE!
Lessons learned! Now where is my "proof of vehicle insurance?"
Hugs and Love,
Oh, here are a few links to help develop your faith in Christ Jesus!
AND...IF you think YOUR case is too hard for this testimony of Betty Baxter!!!
*Note: Oh, and don't try to repair your mistakes without waiting in God's presence through prayer and meditation of the Living Word. You cannot undo some things in a "moment" ... some mistakes and sins are so obvious; however, pray and get the mind of your Father, first. He will LEAD you out into peace in steps...His steps for you! HE alone can show YOU the wait out!
"I pulled you over because your lights are not on," he declared. "Is this your car? If it's your car you should know where your lights are!" (I was fidgeting with the light knob, trying to see if they would come on.)
"Oh, thank you, OFFICER," I replied. "It is my car; however, I just jumped out of bed to go to the bank first think this morning. You see, I checked my account this was I am going to put some money in."
"You should be awake before you drive!" he interjected.
I don't know why I told him about my needing to make a deposit. It was kinda personal.
Later, he said, "Well, I should give you a couple of tickets; however, you just need to get more organized! Drive safe."
With that quip he was gone! NO TICKET! (A couple of tickets is what I DESERVED), YES:
1. Not having my headlights on.
2. I WAS unorganized and couldn't locate my insurance verification.
Oh, brother!
HOW did I avoid 2 tickets???
FERVENT PRAYER FOR MERCY AND GRACE, under my breath, as the officer walked back to his vehicle to check my ID in his database!
You already know the good news...
My prayers were answered, no ticket, and a good warning that my lights weren't on kept me from being hit by another car, and a warning that I need to WAKE UP before I drive!
Well, I was awake, but somehow missed turning the light button on ALL THE WAY! My MIND was on OTHER THINGS!
I thanked my Father...
...for using the officer to protect me from being hit by another car...driving with NO lights in the dark is just asking for it!
"LORD, bless your servant and keep him safe in his work today and every day!"
So, isn't this little story similar to us trying to move forward in our lives without turning on the Light of God in our lives. WITHOUT LIGHT WE TAKE HITS!
What IS the Light that guides our lives, leads us out of trouble, and brings about good things that belong to us?
Jesus is! He is the way, the Truth, the LIFE and the LIGHT! We find HIS LIGHT IN HIS WORD! We activate HIS Life through obedience to the Word, and by SPEAKING HIS WORD.
This experience with the officer reminded me this morning, that I need to keep myself in the LIGHT at ALL times, to avoid the works of darkness that are "out there" working to trip me up or HIT ME! (After all, we DO live in a fallen world. A world where sin and it's effects work...but can be OVERCOME by the working of the Word (LIGHT). You see, one of the first things our Father wanted to overcome in His life was darkness and loneliness. Been there?)
So, HE SPOKE, because HE IS LIGHT and He spoke because He could! :) When HE spoke things changed! They still do.
Now if you need further encouragement to come OUT Of your current situation, READ ON. If you're pretty much okay, you can stop here...and have a blessed DAY!
Okay, for those of you who stayed with me past the introduction you must need some encouragement, so keep reading!
What has hit YOU?
You are in some darkness, or a battle or crisis for your health, finances, and family, not to worry! Remember the spoken Word (LIGHT) will bring YOU OUT, also!
God SPOKE the world into BEING! His Words were LIGHT and LIFE! They still are...He never changes! He has passed this grace onto us!
He has not left us comfortless. He has given US power through HIS living Word (Jesus) to bring Light to our lives, and change our own circumstances through Truth.
But there is something for us to do!
YOU, yourself, can go the Word and get faith to live a joy-filled, abundant, healthy life. To bring you out of darkness. To break the power of the "HIT" you have taken.
"Deliverance" from your "hit" may not happen over night...sometimes it takes years...depending on what you've been "dealt" through your heritage or lifestyle. We don't all start at the same place; however we can end up at the same place...HEALED, WHOLE, AND walking in ABUNDANCE, as we overcome evil with GOOD...the good Will of God!
Doubters have come too late to tell me this kind of Light-seeking, darkness defeating life-style doesn't work. I have experienced too many miracles and the faithfulness of doing God's Word and Him supplying! (I have also experienced failures, as I failed to follow through on His Word!)
The Good News:
We can start where we ARE, each day! Every day is a NEW PAGE to write on.
Let's WRITE HIS WORD on our hearts and minds TODAY, and give our selves over to...
...PL E A S I N G
the FATHER...
What pleases HIM?
Have you struggled with the SAME trouble for a LONG TIME? Don't be weary in your well-doing!
Just suppose that you don't live long enough to see all your faith-driven desires, so what!
YOUR first duty (desire) is to PLEASE GOD!
we approach our faith life like that...just purposing to please God, WE WILL LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO SEE OUR DESIRES!!! The lack we are facing won't drive us to quit God and His ways!
You see, it is relationship with God FIRST...not a formula for getting things!!!
Part of our relationship with Him IS to RECEIVE Light and to SPEAK Light!
I have included links to some resources to help build faith for your today and your tomorrow, and help you receive and speak LIGHT!
God LOVES you, and has made a way of escape...into HIS power and abundance, to bless you and make you a blessing! To help you dissuade darkness.
Start where you are today. Sometimes as you begin to speak it seems things get worse; however, hang in there with Truth (God's Word), the enemy will resist, but he cannot win IF YOU DO NOT QUIT!
(*See note at bottom of page if your mistakes are so very obvious to you, and you KNOW where yo have missed God!)
So, let's do a check!
What are you speaking today? What's in your heart and mouth today? What's on your mind first and foremost today? Your words hold the power of LIFE and DEATH, which do you choose TODAY?
Need FURTHER encouragement? Keep reading, and find out what I saw in the mirror when I got home from my "encounter" with WPD.
Remember, the enemy doesn't mind you knowing these truths, he just doesn't want you DOING THEM!
The enemy of your soul WILL resist you! However, you resist him right BACK! He has already lost, you just have to enforce his loss, (he is the deceiver). You simply need to ENFORCE YOUR GAIN, through the power of the spoken Word (Jesus)! Yes, it is simple; however, it takes effort.
Of course it also takes effort fighting the hits you could have avoided!
The Word that's in your heart will come out of your mouth! So, what is in your mouth? That is a good place to start to LOCATE where you are in your doubt or FAITH! Good thing is, YOU and only YOU can change what's in your mouth!
We have a CHOICE!
The Holy Spirit within you, comes along side you and is your HELPER! He doesn't do your part, and you cannot do HIS part! The Holy Spirit is the manifesting One...He causes your cells, organs, systems, and entire body to line up with your Words of Truth! He causes your abundant supply to flow, as you hear and obey Truth! He supplies the comfort (HE is the COMFORTER) as you walk out of trouble and into PEACE!
"Start today,
worship the Lord along the way!
You will gain great grace,
to cross the finish line of YOUR race!"
REMEMBER: Never ever condemn yourself for losing a battle, or a loved one, or for all the years you may have been trying to believe for something...we have been gaining in knowledge of Truth!
TRY AGAIN! You are seeking or you wouldn't have hung with me this long! :)
Your faith has been growing! There is a Body of believers (Christ as the Head) who are WITH you!
Try AGAIN! You WILL win, if you don't quit! ♥
This applies to every area of your LIFE! Don't curse the battle; praise the Lord! He never changes.
Jesus went about doing good in His earthly body...healing the sick, casting out devils, opening blind eyes, restoring the bruised and wounded, making folks whole, supplying needs of every sort. Since HIS death and resurrection, (He died and rose again for YOU), and since His ascension to the right hand of the Father, we who receive Him (make Him Lord) are now HIS BODY on earth.
Read that again!
You cannot go by feelings; however, YOUR feelings will CHANGE as you CONTINUE in GOD's TRUTH......Truth indeed does change facts!
(See free mp3 "Truth Changes Facts" at this link):
New Creation Realities
Christ the Head, we the BODY...still working miracles, walking in FAITH, and seeing Truth reign in and through we let Him lead!
Back to the officer, and the grace I received this morning.
The policeperson was not aware of my "circumstances" right now, the struggles, the dreams I am fighting for. The hits I might have avoided. He could have just as easily written out an expensive ticket, and given me a strong lecture. But he didn't.
I walked to the mirror when I got home, to see what the office saw when he shined HIS light on me...straggled hair, no makeup, fatigue. My story of "jumping out of bed to get to the bank," was believable by my appearance. LOL!
I told the officer the truth, and my looks confirmed it! Too funny. As I brushed my hair, I thanked God that I received GRACE through speaking the truth!
God's grace was upon the officer and me, to meet my need, not to punish me to the fullest. That's what happens when grace is applied to your daily life; even when you make a mistake you are covered!
Grace follows a prayer-filled life, staying clean before the Lord. Seekers of Light receive grace!
Let me encourage you to put on GRACE today, in the midst of your struggles. Ask God to shine His light on your heart, mind, and struggles; so circumstances don't start piling up on you...or if they are piled up, PUT ON GRACE and find your way, with the LIGHT, into fulfillment of YOUR GOD-given dreams!
As for my getting "more organized" per the officer, he is absolutely right!
Oft times when we are in a battle we let the seemingly little things go. These things can grow into bigger things if we procrastinate. I delayed in putting my new insurance receipt in the glove box, or in my wallet.
I ALMOST got more circumstances piled up on me because of that one "little" thing...things I don't really have time for right now, but I surely don't have time for things like going to court to prove I have insurance.
God has been speaking to me about doing things right the first time; because, if I don't have time to do it right now, when will I have time? After a time, if we continue to not obey what we hear, we will find ourselves standing and fighting the judgments against us!
Or we can walk in the LIGHT and EXPERIENCE GRACE!
Lessons learned! Now where is my "proof of vehicle insurance?"
Hugs and Love,
Oh, here are a few links to help develop your faith in Christ Jesus!
AND...IF you think YOUR case is too hard for this testimony of Betty Baxter!!!
*Note: Oh, and don't try to repair your mistakes without waiting in God's presence through prayer and meditation of the Living Word. You cannot undo some things in a "moment" ... some mistakes and sins are so obvious; however, pray and get the mind of your Father, first. He will LEAD you out into peace in steps...His steps for you! HE alone can show YOU the wait out!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Obessed with the Little Brown Truck!
Anyone else obsessed with tracking their UPS packages?
I am expecting the little brown truck to deliver "fire" today...the Kindle Fire, that is!
I have been "online" watching the "Fire" make it's progress from the warehouse to myhouse!
Faith works a lot like UPS and the little brown truck!
You go "online" and order and then watch the notices...
"Order Confirmed!"
"Order Processed!"
"Shipment has left facility."
THEN the little brown truck starts it's work:
"Shipment received by CARRIER!"
"Origin Scan"
"Departure Scan"
"In Transit!"
"Out for Delivery!"
I am expecting the little brown truck to deliver "fire" today...the Kindle Fire, that is!
I have been "online" watching the "Fire" make it's progress from the warehouse to myhouse!
Faith works a lot like UPS and the little brown truck!
You go "online" and order and then watch the notices...
"Order Confirmed!"
"Order Processed!"
"Shipment has left facility."
THEN the little brown truck starts it's work:
"Shipment received by CARRIER!"
"Origin Scan"
"Departure Scan"
"In Transit!"
"Out for Delivery!"
Oh, LOVE that "Delivery" notice!
Sew, because of my research and "work" a few days ago...because I went online and put my "hand to the task," the FIRE will soon be in my hands!
What are you expecting today?
You can go "ONLINE" ... GET INto God's Word, receive His whole counsel on your desire, and "place your order" by faith!
Sew, because of my research and "work" a few days ago...because I went online and put my "hand to the task," the FIRE will soon be in my hands!
What are you expecting today?
You can go "ONLINE" ... GET INto God's Word, receive His whole counsel on your desire, and "place your order" by faith!
Amplified Bible
"For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment."
Matthew 17:20
"Amplified Bible
"He said to them, Because of the littleness of your faith [that is, your lack of firmly relying trust]. For truly I say to you, if you have faith [ that is living] like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you."
"For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment."
Matthew 17:20
"Amplified Bible
"He said to them, Because of the littleness of your faith [that is, your lack of firmly relying trust]. For truly I say to you, if you have faith [ that is living] like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you."
James 2:17
"So also faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead)."
"So also faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead)."
Create WITH God! ♥
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